Temporary tablespaces often referred as Temp tablespace in Oracle are used for sorting operations and can grow huge in size. So you need to monitor temp tablespace utilization including total size, used and free space. It is also used for storing global temporary tables and joining operations and its growth depends on how much data you are sorting and joining.
If temp tablespace is full then you will get the error “ORA-1652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP”
Query to check Temp Tablespace Usage
SELECT A.tablespace_name tablespace, D.mb_total,
SUM (A.used_blocks * D.block_size) / 1024 / 1024 mb_used,
D.mb_total - SUM (A.used_blocks * D.block_size) / 1024 / 1024 mb_free
FROM v$sort_segment A,
SELECT B.name, C.block_size, SUM (C.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 mb_total
FROM v$tablespace B, v$tempfile C
WHERE B.ts#= C.ts#
GROUP BY B.name, C.block_size) D
WHERE A.tablespace_name = D.name
GROUP by A.tablespace_name, D.mb_total;
Temp Tablespace usage by session in Oracle.
SELECT S.sid || ',' || S.serial# sid_serial, S.username, S.osuser, P.spid, S.module,
P.program, SUM (T.blocks) * TBS.block_size / 1024 / 1024 mb_used, T.tablespace,
COUNT(*) statements
FROM v$sort_usage T, v$session S, dba_tablespaces TBS, v$process P
WHERE T.session_addr = S.saddr
AND S.paddr = P.addr
AND T.tablespace = TBS.tablespace_name
GROUP BY S.sid, S.serial#, S.username, S.osuser, P.spid, S.module,
P.program, TBS.block_size, T.tablespace
ORDER BY sid_serial;