You might have faced this error while creating or deleting staza in pgBackrest.
I got this error while creating stanza as shown below:
bash-4.4$ pgbackrest stanza-create --stanza=db --repo1-path=/pgbackrest/postgres-operator/backup/repo1-bkq --To update new repo path. ERROR: [062]: stop file exists for stanza db
If you look at the error carefully, it is trying to tell you that “stop file exists” which means pgBackrest is already in stopped state and you need to start it before performing the operation in PostgreSQL.
To resolve it, start the stanza or simply start pgbackrest for all the stanza as mentioned below.
bash-4.4$ pgbackrest --stanza=db start or, for all stanza bash-4.4$ pgbackrest start
The above steps are helpful in most of the cases, if still facing any issue, stop pgbackrest and check if any process is still active using ps -aef|grep pgbackrest and kill it. Then start the pgbackrest again and try.