As a DBA, you must schedule the crontab script to take the backup of MySQL databases. It is important to configure backup of your MySQL databases either running on Linux or Windows so that you can recover your database in case of any problems occur. MYSQLDUMP is the command using which you can take the backup of mysql databases.
You must check the backup and initiate the fresh backup as a safeguard before upgrading a MySQL database so that you can revert in case of any failure.
Shell Script to Configure Backup of MySQL Database

[orahow@oradbdb DB_Backup]$ cat #!/bin/bash # Database credentials user="root" password="1Loginxx" db_name="orahowdb" v_cnt=0 logfile_path=/DB_Backup touch "$logfile_path/orahowdb_backup.log" # Other options backup_path="/DB_Backup" date=$(date +"%d-%b-%Y-%H-%M-%p") # Set default file permissions #umask 177 # Dump database into SQL file mysqldump --user=$user --password=$password $db_name >$backup_path/$db_name-$date.sql # Delete files older than 30 days find $backup_path/* -mtime +15 -exec rm {} \; #DB backup log echo -e "$(date +'%d-%b-%y %r '):ALERT:Database has been Backuped" >>$logfile_path/orahowdb_backup.log #confirmation mail to recepient if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] then v_cnt=`expr $v_cnt+1` mail -s "FYI : Orahow DB Backup Has Been Completed Successfully" -v -r recipient@gmail < /DB_Backup/orahowdb_backup.log else mail -s "ALERT : ORAHOW DB Backup Has Been Failed" -v -r < /DB_Backup/orahowdb_backup.log exit fi rm /DB_Backup/orahowdb_backup.log [orahow@orahowdb DB_Backup]$
You can copy and edit the above mysql backup script in vi editor and schedule it in the Linux crontab. Hope this will help you to protect you data in case of any issues.