Question: I am getting ORA-32004 error while starting the database but all the parameters in spfile are fine. This issue…
For operating systems like Solaris and Linux, you must know some of the basic vi editor commands for the smooth…
Moving controlfile from filesystem to ASM disk using RMAN in RAC. You can migrate controlfile from file system to asm…
CPU info includes detailed information about the processor, like it’s architecture, vendor name, model, number of cores, speed of each…
RMAN backup failed With below error: RMAN-00571: ===========================================================RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============RMAN-00571: ===========================================================RMAN-03009: failure of allocate command on…
ORA-19588: archived log recid 14859 stamp 747949646 is no longer valid channel dev_0: starting archive log backupsetreleased channel: dev_0RMAN-00571: ===============================================RMAN-00569:…
Find Command is one of the powerful Unix / Linux utility used for searching the files in a directory hierarchy from…
RPM is a default open source package management utility for installing, updating, uninstalling, querying and verifying software packages on Linux based…
Oracle sysdate function is used to check Oracle dates and time in the database. TO_CHAR function is used to convert…
Sometime you need to Kill Oracle Session to avoid any performance issues. There are chances that some session cause blocking…