How to Recover Deleted Aurora PostgreSQL Instance

In Aurora, data is stored in cluster volume and the shared storage architecture makes your data independent from the DB instances in the cluster. So if you have deleted the instance in Aurora PostgreSQL cluster, you can recover the instances by creating new instances and attaching them into the existing cluster again.

If options are not available to add the instance to your Aurora cluster via AWS console then you need to leverage AWS CLI command to create new instance in the cluster.

In the previous post we discussed about No space left on device in Aurora PostgreSQL which you can read below:

AWS CLI to Create and Attach New instance into an Aurora PostgreSQL Cluster

aws rds create-db-instance --db-instance-identifier nameofinstance --db-cluster-identifier nameofcluster --engine aurora-postgresql --db-instance-class <value>

Sample command:
aws rds create-db-instance --db-instance-identifier nameofinstance --db-cluster-identifier nameofcluster --engine aurora-postgresql --db-instance-class db.t3.medium

You can also check AWS document to check all options related to the command here – create DB instance using AWS CLI

After adding instance the most important question which comes in your mind is – will you lost any data?

So ideally no, because in Aurora compute and storage are on two different layers.

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