You must be familiar with checking tablespace utilization in Oracle 11g, here we will discuss about monitoring tablespace in CDB and PDB.
Oracle introduced multitenant architecture from Oracle 12c and in other higher versions like 19c which contains container and pluggable databases CDB and PDB.
There are some new views introduced in 12c multitenant architecture to check size of datafiles and tempfiles tablespace used in CDB and PDB in Oracle database. We have used these views in below below script for monitoring tablespace usage in Oracle.
- cdb_data_files
- cdb_segments
- v$containers
Script to Monitor Tablespace Utilization in Oracle 12c, 19c and other higher versions.
set pages 80 set lin 120 set echo off set feed off column PCT format 999.99 column tablespace format A30 col container for a30 select substr(t.tablespace_name,1,30) tablespace, round(t.tsbytes/(10241024),0) "ALLOCATED(MB)", round(nvl(s.segbytes,0)/(10241024),0) "USED(MB)", round((nvl(s.segbytes,0)/t.tsbytes)*100,2) PCT, lower( as container from (select con_id,tablespace_name,sum(bytes) tsbytes from cdb_data_files group by con_id,tablespace_name) t, (select con_id,tablespace_name,sum(bytes) segbytes from cdb_segments group by con_id,tablespace_name) s, v$containers vc where t.con_id=s.con_id(+) and t.tablespace_name=s.tablespace_name(+) and t.con_id=vc.con_id order by container, tablespace; TABLESPACE ALLOCATED(MB) USED(MB) PCT CONTAINER ------------- ------- ------ -------- SYSAUX 1630 1268 77.78 cdb$root SYSTEM 1250 1244 99.55 cdb$root UNDOTBS1 545 17 3.18 cdb$root USERS 8 6 78.33 cdb$root APPS_TS_ARCHIVE 5986 489 8.17 tst31ut APPS_TS_INTERFACE 1041 431 41.43 tst31ut APPS_TS_MEDIA 40394 38294 94.80 tst31ut
Check Tablespace Usage Percentage in Oracle PDB and CDB Database.
set line 200 pages 999 column name for a10 column tablespace_name for a15 column "MAXSIZE (MB)" format 9,999,990.00 column "ALLOC (MB)" format 9,999,990.00 column "USED (MB)" format 9,999,990.00 column "PERC_USED" format 99.00 select a.con_id,,b.tablespace_name,a.bytes_alloc/(10241024) "MAXSIZE (MB)", nvl(a.physical_bytes,0)/(10241024) "ALLOC (MB)" ,nvl(b.tot_used,0)/(10241024) "USED (MB)" ,(nvl(b.tot_used,0)/a.bytes_alloc)100 "PERC_USED" from (select con_id,tablespace_name, sum(bytes) physical_bytes,sum(decode(autoextensible,'NO',bytes,'YES',maxbytes)) bytes_alloc from cdb_data_files group by con_id,tablespace_name ) a, (select con_id,tablespace_name, sum(bytes) tot_used from cdb_segments group by con_id,tablespace_name ) b, (select name,con_id from v$containers) c where a.con_id= b.con_id and a.con_id = c.con_id and a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name (+) order by 1,3; CON_ID NAME TABLESPACE_NAME MAXSIZE (MB) ALLOC (MB) USED (MB) PERC_USED --------------- ------------ ----------- ---------------- -------------- 1 CDB$ROOT SYSAUX 32,767.98 1,630.00 1,274.00 3.89 1 CDB$ROOT SYSTEM 32,767.98 1,250.00 1,244.38 3.80 1 CDB$ROOT UNDOTBS1 32,767.98 545.00 17.25 .05 1 CDB$ROOT USERS 32,767.98 7.50 5.88 .02 3 tst31ut APPS_TS_ARCHIVE 21,346.00 5,986.00 489.25 2.29 3 tst31ut APPS_TS_INTERFA 1,041.00 1,041.00 431.25 41.43
To Check how much Space Used in Oracle
select sum(BYTES)/1024/1024/1024 from cdb_segments; SUM(BYTES)/1024/1024/1024 ----------------- 310.454269 select CON_ID,sum(BYTES)/1024/1024/1024 from cdb_segments group by CON_ID; CON_ID SUM(BYTES)/1024/1024/1024 ------- -------------- 1 2.47595215 -CDB Size 3 307.978317 -PDB Size
To Check Datafile Size in Oracle
col FILE_NAME for a55 set lines 200 select FILE_NAME,BYTES/1024/1024/1024, MAXBYTES/1024/1024/1024,AUTOEXTENSIBLE from cdb_data_files where TABLESPACE_NAME='APPS_TS_MEDIA'; FILE_NAME BYTES/1024/1024/1024 MAXBYTES/1024/1024/1024 AUT /scratch/u01/E-BIZ/db/apps_st/data/a_media01.dbf 1.41210938 0 NO /scratch/u01/E-BIZ/db/apps_st/data/a_media03.dbf 18.8696289 20 YES /scratch/u01/E-BIZ/db/apps_st/data/a_media02.dbf 19.1652832 30 YES
Conclusion: Above script is used to check tablespace details in Oracle including tablespace size, freespace, percentage used etc.